Fly in Formation - Dav!d Sm!th and Ivason Black

Ontario on the check in for this episode, where I talk with Hamilton ON based Dav!d Sm!th (formerly Titus), and his occasional partner in rhyme, emcee and producer from Toronto, Ivason Black. We chopped it up about then compared to (but not vs) now, their journey through the music scene, creative process, what’s coming next, how to keep the kulture strong and connected, and a lot more.

It’s been great being able to use this platform to pick the brains of other artists who otherwise I wouldn’t likely get a chance to talk with. I hope that other artists and people curious to find new independent artists to listen to can find as much value in these talks as I am.

One theme that I’m noticing is artists talking about the therapeutic impact they feel from creating, especially through the pandemic social distancing and being more isolated. I agree with what Ivason says about being a bit thankful this pandemic came along and gave a lot of people a second to step back and do the things they love. Of course there have been many terrible parts too, and I don’t mean to downplay the difficulties or losses that many people are suffering from as a result of Covid19, but trials and tribulations have always been at the core of art. It’s not always easy but I try to tell myself that at least in the bad times I have something dramatic to talk about on songs. I think a lot of artists seem to have reignited over the pandemic, and I think an abundance of free time and no shortage of controversial topics to address played a big role in that renaissance. I’m here for it.

Check out their music on streaming.

I’ve been booking most of these #FlyInFormation interviews for Tuesday afternoons, and I’m trying to always be online to stream “Making of #ATSIC” videos on Tuesday afternoons. Come chill and hear some new independent Hip Hop.

If you wanna support, there’s a merch section here on the site, or you could check out my Patreon where you can set up monthly payments of a few dollars if you want to.

A few bucks goes a long way to encourage me to keep making this show, if you enjoy it, let me know.

If you like the music you hear, go support the artists and buy merch and music.

Stay Up.

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Fly in Formation - Baggy Lean


Fly in Formation - bRavenous