Fly in Formation - Thomas Quinlan
So after several years of booking interviews with artists through Handsolo Records manager Thomas Quinlan, I decided that it would be informative to talk to the founder of the label, Thomas Quinlan. So I reached out to the labels secretary, Thomas Quinlan, to see if I could get in touch with the CEO, Thomas Quinlan. Weeks later, I talked to the one man machine. He schooled me on all sorts of stuff, like that the label started in 96, the 3 man origin of DJ Moves music career, and exactly what physical distribution looks like in 2023, compared to what it looked like in 2003. Great conversation.
Come by live on Twitch for these interviews, they take place on Tuesdays.
Aug 22 - Epic from Saskatoon Folk Rap Records
Aug 29 - Arlo Maverick from Politic Live
Sept 5 - Frost Gamble from.. Tone Chop & Frost Gamble
There’s more after that, just nailing down dates.
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