Im on Twitch now

Well not like right now right now. I mean I might be, you’d have to check.

Over the past month or so I’ve been working on building capability tech wise, and have been starting to do some streaming over at Hit follow, or subscribe if you want to throw me the free one you get from having Amazon Prime every month, that’d be dope. Now that the tech side of things is worked out for the most part, I want to build up some community.

I’m hoping to use the stream to show my recording process when I make my own music here in my home studio/living room. Currently I’ve got a 3 camera set up that let’s me switch between a camera in the booth, one that’s at my computer, and always have a second feed from a cell cam that can be moved around the room easily. It should let me stream a variety of the things I do anyways, so I’m sort of excited about it.

Now I’ll be streaming while recording my own music, streaming a “Making of ATSIC” series where I can share some more thoughts about the episodes and the music on them, and streaming some random gaming sessions with the homies too. I figure since I play quite a bit, it might as well be broadcast incase anyone wants to come chill and listen to beats. Copywrite algorithms on Twitch will flag and mute out video that they find playing a lot of mainstream music, but I have plenty of beats I bought over the years off of Bandcamp, made from dusty old samples that no one ever cleared anyways.. so that’s what I game to, with beats by friends and beats I’ve made songs with mixed in. Sometimes I freestyle or try to practice lyrics I’ve written or am currently writing as I play, but sometimes I just play and try really hard too.

Here’s a few past streams from this first month. It’s been a learning curve-

I did a stream where I sat and wrote to a new instrumental by Ray the Nihilist for an hour, then jumped into the booth to record some takes. I wasn’t particularily stoked with what I wrote, so I might end up tweaking them or scrapping them and redoing something else, but for one session I think I got a good attempt down. The real intention was to test the stream capabilities and have a first attempt at a studio solo stream where Im writing and recording. My most recent album, 10 From 11, would have been cool to stream, because I wrote and recorded a song a day for 10 days straight, so I could have live streamed the entire process if I would have been set up like I am now. Oh well, there’s always more to say.

Near the end when I put my main mic into the booth and have to switch to using my webcam mic at my computer, the sound is wack, but I already thought of a better way to do that next time, so live and learn, forgive me. I think I find a new trick every time I stream still, so things are rapidly evolving.

This next one is an example of what the “Making of #ATSIC” video’s will be like. I’ll probably throw them into the posts I make for each specific episode too, but I’ll put one here so you can see what that’s like real quick. Riveting stuff. I’m not really all that insightful or anything, but I do have opinions I like to share, and as more people come by and chat with me, the better these will get. I’m listening to other people’s music, vibing, and saying what I think about it, why I’m playing it, who the artist is and where they’re from, that sort of stuff that I can’t always fit into the episodes themselves because there’s just too much music to fit into 57 minutes every episode. If people want to come hang out and talk, this is the best type of stream to do that. I don’t call myself a DJ even though I host 2 hours of radio a lot of weeks. I don’t have turntables, so I just say I’m a host. One day I’ll probably get a set of tables or a controller or whatever, but for now, the goal of “After the Smoke is Clear” is to share music and build community, and that’s what I’m hoping to do with these “Making of #ATSIC” streams. For now it’s me talking to myself a bit. I might edit them down shorter too or something, but for now there’s only so many hours in the day. They’ll get better as I get more used to running the stream too.

The last thing I can do with this Twitch channel is the most traditional one. Gaming. I play a bunch of Overwatch, as well as a variety of other games. Lately I was trying to start a run through the Witcher games.. which has been slow going so far but maybe my motivation will return.

Here’s a clip of me playing OW and saying some raps. It’s not masterful stuff all the time, raps or game skills wise, but it’s fun, and it’s good practice for when I have to be on point (rap wise). Late night game streams are not that time.

Thanks for checking. If you want to support the show, my music, and my keeping a roof over my head, buying something from the Merch section is a great way to do that.

Telling a friend to come hang out on a stream sometime is another.

Stay Up.


